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    Posts με tag mind
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  • The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
    ~And I'm a million different peoplefrom one day to the next~ ...unicorn5
  • David Guetta - Without You ft. Usher
  • my favourite game ~ the cardigans
  • ~eRaSe aNd ReWiNd~ Cardigans
  • "Fight Club" που μας χρειάζεται.
    Oι τίτλοι αρχής πέφτουν. Ακόμα και αυτοί σε προετοιμάζουν γι' αυτό που
    θα ακολουθήσει. Γνωστό από πρ ...

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    I let the melody shine let it cleanse my mind I feel free now Cant erase so I ll take blame But I cant accept that we re estranged I cant look I m so blind I lost my heart I lost my mind Without you without you you re losing ur mind again i m my baby favourite ga a me cause ve been changing Pixies Where is my mind Fight club