Call me a liar, a king or a fool
But sing me a song of prosperity
Higher and higher the further we fall
Hard to remember
I will surrender and I'll always wait
Wait as in all of eternity
Hard to remember, and hard to forget
The shadow that hangs over me
Take me Home, to a House on a hill, in Oblivion
And take away the shadow over me
Cry me a river but once you are dry
Say there's a reason you do
Godless endeavors,smothered and broken
All that I wanted was you
Take me Home, to a House on a hill, in Oblivion
Where souls never die all alone
You're longing for love, not for sympathy
So take away the shadow over me
Under the starlight you shine
In solitude
Eyes in the ocean and far beyond
West of the moon
Take me Home, to a House on a hill, in Oblivion
Where souls never die all alone
You're longing for love, not for sympathy
Over the hills
Home, to your House on a hill, to Oblivion
Where souls never die all alone
You're longing for love, not for sympathy
So take away the shadow over me!
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